Fancy a bit of crumpet this Valentines Day? We have a great new range of valentines products, for mo
We have a great new range of valentines products, for more info visit brayfoods.co.uk Love what we bake & bake what you love! #nom...

Blow away those January blues with our delicious Zucchini & Lime cake, perfect for your fresh ne
visit brayfoods.co.uk or email sales@brayfoods.co.uk #Nom #brayfoods #Zucchinicake

Looking for the best carrot cake in town? Look no further... brayfoods.co.uk You name it, we bake it
Looking for the best carrot cake in town? Look no further... brayfoods.co.uk You name it, we bake it! #nom #yummy #brayfoods

Get creative with our brioche burger buns...
by adding new toppings to your menu like this Jameson whiskey blue cheese burger with guinness cheese sauce + crispy onions....