Happy Friday! We’ve got some hot burger lines sizzling in the oven for you this week...
Brioche burger bun suppliers - New burger bun lines!

Happy Friday's! What could be nicer than waking up to your new fresh Bray Foods Bakery delivery?
Happy Friday's! What could be nicer than waking up to your new fresh Bray Foods Bakery delivery? Exquisite morning croissant's and danish...

Blow away those January blues with our delicious Zucchini & Lime cake, perfect for your fresh ne
visit brayfoods.co.uk or email sales@brayfoods.co.uk #Nom #brayfoods #Zucchinicake

Get creative with our brioche burger buns...
by adding new toppings to your menu like this Jameson whiskey blue cheese burger with guinness cheese sauce + crispy onions....

Got that Friday feeling!!
Brioche Burger Bun Wholesale Suppliers UK

We offer unique artisan breads...
We offer unique artisan breads with thin crispy crusts, light open textures and authentic French aromas and flavours. Email...

Choose a shape and flavour for your bread rolls or mix them up!
Choose a shape and flavour for your bread rolls or mix them up! Round, square, oblong, mini baguette or triangle.