Mother’s Day afternoon tea treats!
Mother’s Day afternoon tea treats!

Add a twinkle to your menu this Mother’s Day!
Mother's Day Cakes

Mother’s Day Cake Inspiration!
We have a huge range of handmade cakes to add to your menu this Mother’s Day, like this exquisite rich blended coffee and Walnut cake,...

Order Your Mother’s Day Cakes Today!
Order Your Mother’s Day Cakes Today!

Happy Friday! We’ve got some hot burger lines sizzling in the oven for you this week...
Brioche burger bun suppliers - New burger bun lines!

Fancy a bit of crumpet this Valentines Day? We have a great new range of valentines products, for mo
We have a great new range of valentines products, for more info visit brayfoods.co.uk Love what we bake & bake what you love! #nom...