Happy Friday's! What could be nicer than waking up to your new fresh Bray Foods Bakery delivery?
Happy Friday's! What could be nicer than waking up to your new fresh Bray Foods Bakery delivery? Exquisite morning croissant's and danish...

Blow away those January blues with our delicious Zucchini & Lime cake, perfect for your fresh ne
visit brayfoods.co.uk or email sales@brayfoods.co.uk #Nom #brayfoods #Zucchinicake

Bray Foods 2018 collection
Introducing the new Bray Foods 2018 collection including... New! Sour Dough Range Burger Buns & Hot Dog Rolls Artisan Breads Collection...

Rise and shine! For good morning treats visit brayfoods.co.uk
Rise and shine! For good morning treats visit brayfoods.co.uk #brayfoods #riseandshine #goodmorning #menu #croissant #pastries#bakery...

NEW! Valentines products coming soon to brayfoods.co.uk watch this space!
Heart shaped pastry cases & new valentines products coming soon!

Looking for a menu makeover this January? Why not try our charcoal burger buns @ brayfoods.co.uk Liv
Looking for a menu makeover this January? Why not try our charcoal burger buns @ brayfoods.co.uk

Bray Foods: Artisan Bakery, you name it, we bake it! ❤️ #bakedwithlove brayfoods.co.uk
Bray Foods: Artisan Bakery, you name it, we bake it! ❤️ #bakedwithlove brayfoods.co.uk

Looking for the best carrot cake in town? Look no further... brayfoods.co.uk You name it, we bake it
Looking for the best carrot cake in town? Look no further... brayfoods.co.uk You name it, we bake it! #nom #yummy #brayfoods

Happy Mondays!! Explore our new pastry case and canapé selection @ brayfoods.co.uk #Nom #Nom
Bray Foods pastry cases & canapé suppliers